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jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Statistics of our Comenius Blog

We made our Comenius Blog in November 2010. We tried to configure it, to design the Blog and make it attractive to visitants.

In Spain Meeting (February 2011) we spoke about promote our Blog and put in it every activity we make and inform our families about our Comenius Project Activities.

As you can see, the results are splendid. March with 285 visits is our best month, but April have had 266 til today (14th of April), April goes to the record of vitits in a month for our Comenius Blog.
We have published our Final Products, our Activities and our Meetings with pictures and videos. Last Meeting in Spain is the most popular entry of our Blog with 68 visits (49 visits for the Videos and 19 for the text with pictures).

 We try to promote the Blog through Comenius Groups in Yahoo, and actually there are some visits from other countries different of our "Comenius Project Friends". Czech Republic or Hungary with 7 visits are the countries with more visits to our Blog. There are curious countries that visit our Blog too, EEUU (6 visits) or China (1 visit) are our visitants from out of the limits of the EU.

 The Blog is very popular in Spain and our pupils and teachers of Spain write their opinions in some entries of our Blog. With 515 of 598 visits represents a 86 % of the total visits of the Blog. That´s the reason we encourage Italian, Polish and Turkish pupils and teachers to participate in the Blog, to show the Blog in the computer room of your school to all the pupils.

Last two days we have had 44 visits, close to 90 visits in two days. Our Blog is getting alive, more and more people is participating these days.

Thank you to everybody for your fidelity.

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