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viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Rita Cardamone (Italian Comenius Coordinator)

I have been a coordinator in the Comenius Project for many years. I have worked a lot but I must admit that I received many advantage that have helped me to became step by step a better person.

In fact through this project I have had the possibility to know many different people, many different countries, many different way of life and, last but not list, I  had the possibility to compare the different instruction method in the schools involved in the project.

Otherwise the project offered me the possibility to know many countries rich of history, art,culture and traditions that enriched my culture, my personality.

Through our Project ‘You and me different but united' teachers, students, families, have had the possibility to improve their English language, to develop the spirit of solidarity, to compare the different cultures, to exchange experiences and information among  pairs. 

I’m sure that this project  has a wonderful message for the unifying Europe in order to demonstrate  that all of us are the same, but at the same time totally different. Different but united in the same European membership.

Thanks a lot to Darek, Juan, Sümeyye, for your cooperation, thanks for your kindness and great friendship. Thanks a lot to our headmasters, teachers, students and all of the people involved in our project that helped us to live this wonderfull experience.

Juan (Spanish Coordinator, Eli (Spanish Teacher), Rita (Italian Coordinator) and Inés (Spanish Teacher)
Sicily (May 2010)

Rita Cardamone.

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